Mr. Kingsley's Big Surprise!
By Bob Sjogren
Mr. Kingsley is going to build a new Kingsley Land theme park, and he is looking for children to help him design it. He wants a personal assistant as well as an advisory board of kids ages nine to eleven. Those who pass the initial interview stage will come to his lodge in West Virginia to participate in a week of games. This competition will determine who becomes his assistant.
Layla desperately wants to be Mr. Kingsley's assistant, but there are problems. She's the youngest of the kids, and at times, she has—shall we say—a temper. Can she keep her anger under control? Will she become Mr. Kingsley's assistant, or will she lose it all?
This book is an allegory for children to help them understand rewards in heaven. These rewards are not given to us solely by faith. They have to be earned.
Having our names recorded in heaven is one thing. Being rewarded in heaven is something totally different. Salvation is by faith. Rewards are by works.